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University enrolment study visa


The first steps to apply for a university enrolment study visa must be carried out directly by the student through the Universitaly portal (pre-enrolment procedure). After having successfully completed the online pre-enrolment (whose receipt must be submitted to the consular office with the rest of the documents requested for the visa application), an appointment has to be booked. Appointments will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The deadline for submitting university enrolment study visa applications is November 29th 2024.



The assessment of the foreign qualification for the study courses in Italy is a competence belonging to the Universities. Therefore, the University will communicate to the student (through the Universitaly portal) whether or not it is necessary to produce a Declaration of Value (DoV), to be requested from the competent Diplomatic Representation for the State in which the foreign qualification was issued. If this requirement proves necessary, the DoV shall be considered as a necessary requirement for obtaining a university enrolment study visa.Students should be aware that the Italian Embassy in Budapest can issue a DoV only if the university and school qualifications are issued by educational institutions legally recognized in Hungary. Alternatively, if accepted by the University, to the DoV, students can ask for an equivalent declaration at The CIMEA procedure is not a responsibility of the Italian Embassy.



All students who wish to enroll to an Italian university academic courses (undergraduate, master’s degree, PhD, foundation courses and language courses) have to apply to be admitted to the University through the website (pre-enrolment procedure). The procedure involving Universitaly will be available also for the following academic institutes and courses:
– Institutions of Artistic, Musical and Coreutic Higher Education (AFAM);
– High Schools for Linguistic Mediators (SSML);
– International mobility programs  Marco Polo and Turandot;
– Institutes of Specialization in Psychotherapy;
– Post-diploma technical specialization courses organized by the Istituti Tecnici Superiori (ITS).


Consular service for the study visa for university enrolment: 50€ (the corresponding amount shall be paid in cash, in Hungarian Forint). Please be aware that the exact amount in cash will slightly change every 3 months according to the exchange rate fluctuations.


1) Application form filled and signed;

2) passport with at least 3 months validity beyond the visa expiration date and with at least two blank pages;

3) passport photocopy;

4) valid Hungarian Residence Permit;

5) valid Hungarian Residence Permit photocopy;

6) 2 recent passport-size photos, in colour and white background;

7) pre-enrolment acceptance receipt from Universitaly;

8) health insurance, to cover the first period in Italy, prior to the reception of the residence permit;

9) proof of financial means to cover the costs of the intended stay:
– bank account reporting last 3-month movements. A Hungarian bank of the applicant account will be requested in any case;
– parents’ or legal tutors’ bank account reporting last 3-month movements (including a statement from parents or legal tutors guaranteeing maintenance during the stay in Italy). The parents’ statement must be translated into Italian and the translation must be legalized by the Embassy of Italy in the country of emission;- scholarship (if available. It doesn’t exempt from the need of presenting a bank account);

10) proof of accommodation for the first period of stay. If hosted by an Italian/EU citizen or a foreign resident, the invitation form has to be used;

11) flight/bus/train ticket reservation;

12) Italian or English language proficiency certification, depending on the language of the study course.

13) study documents in Hungary or in previous academic institutions (if applicable);

14) declaration of value (if requested by the University) or CIMEA certificate (if accepted by the University).

The applicants are kindly informed that at the end of the year a check will be performed by the Embassy on all applicants who were granted a university enrolment study visa, in order to verify that they have actually enrolled in the requested study course. The competent Police and Governmental Authorities will be notified about all applicants who failed to finalize the proper enrolment procedure to the related University.


Students wishing to ask for information about the visa process are kindly requested to send an email in Italian or English to the email address: The list of Italian-speaking translators can be found at this link.

For questions concerning other visa typologies or general information requests visit or contact


GDPR EU, 2016/679, ART. 13)
The processing of personal data required for issuing an entry visa in Italy and in the Schengen area will conform to the principles of lawfulness, correctness and transparency in order to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons.
To this end, the following information is provided in accordance to article 13 of the GDPR:
1. Data Controller
The Data Controller is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MFAIC) of the Italian Republic which, in this specific case, operates via the Embassy of Italy in Budapest (Stefánia út 95, 1143, Budapest; telefono: +36.1.4606.208; peo:; pec:
2. Data Protection Officer
For inquiries or complaints on privacy, the data subject may contact the MFAIC Data Protection Officer (DPO), (mailing address: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Piazzale della Farnesina 1, 00135 ROMA; telephone: 0039 06 36911 (switchboard); e-mail:; certified e-mail:
3. Personal data
The Visa Office processes the personal data included in the visa application form, in the Visa Information System (VIS) and in the national visa archive.
4. Processing purposes
The requested personal data are needed to assess the entry visa application for Italy or the Schengen Area lodged by a non-EU Member State citizen subject to the visa obligation.
5. Legal framework
The legal framework applicable to the processing of personal data is the following:
Regulation (EC) No 767/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 concerning the Visa Information System (VIS) and the exchange of data between Member States on short-stay visas (VIS Regulation);
Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code);
Legislative Decree n. 286, 25 July 1998;
Presidential Decree n. 394, 31 August 1999;
Interministerial Decree on visas n. 850, 11 May 2011.
According to said Decrees, provision of this data is mandatory for the assessment of the visa application and any refusal to provide the requested data makes it inadmissible.
6. Processing methods
Data processing, performed by specially appointed personnel, is carried out through manual and automated procedures. With regard to short-stay visas, data is inputted into the Visa Information System (VIS); for other types of visas, data is inserted in the national visa archive.
7. Communication of personal data to external authorities
In application of the European legislation on the “Schengen” area (in particular, Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code), the data required for the issuance of short-stay visas are made available to the competent Italian security authorities as well as to the competent authorities of the European Union and of other Member States.
8. Data retention
Data is retained into the VIS for a maximum period of five years. As this period expires, the personal data linked to Schengen visas applications processed by Italy are transferred into the national visa archive. Data may be indefinitely retained in the said archive for national security reasons, for potential controversies and for research or study motives.
9. The data subject’s rights
The data subject may request the access to and the correction of his personal data. Within the limits established by the current legislation and without prejudice to any consequences on the outcome of the visa application, he may also request the deletion of such data, as well as the restriction of or the objection to data processing. Furthermore, the data subject may request the deletion of his personal data from the VIS if he acquires the citizenship of a EU Member State within five years since the visa issuance or refusal or if the competent administrative or jurisdictional decides for the definitive annulment of the visa refusal.
In these cases, the data subject shall submit a specific request to the Embassy of Italy in Budapest and notify the MFAIC DPO.
If the data subject believes that his privacy rights have been violated, a complaint may be filed with the MFAIC DPO. Otherwise, the Italian Data Supervisory Authority may be contacted (mailing address: Piazza Venezia 11, 00187 ROMA; telephone: 0039 06 696771 (switchboard); e-mail:; certified e-mail: